Please follow the steps below in order to submit your request.

1. Download and complete the form here:               REQUEST CONSULTING FORM

2. Complete the form below. "Please mention essential information in the “Message” field, such as deadline, specific contact forms, etc.";

3. Pay the review fee from the “Fee Payment” button below;

4. Save proof of payment in pdf form;

5. Upload the completed form;

6. Upload proof of payment;

7. Submit your request.

Once your quote is finalized, one of our experts will contact you within two business days by email.

If the expert confirms acceptance of your request, you will receive in the same email the information

to follow your project.

In case we consider that your project is not feasible, our expert will explain the reasons and inform

you of the possibilities and alternative approaches.

If you need more information before submitting your request, please contact us via

Taxe-Deductable Fees:

Our revision fees are CHF 396 + 7.8% VAT.

Total amount to pay: CHF 430.-                         PAY NOW

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